Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Learning My Vowels

When I was in 3rd grade I had Nellie Kelly for a teacher. I got in a lot of dutch with her because, as we all know, our mothers are always right.  And in this case, mine was, but not in America. You see, my mom told me as I was memorizing my vowels that they were a e i o u and sometimes y and sometimes w. That is true in Wales, w is a vowel pronounced oo. But old lady Kelly wouldn't hear of it, and I got punished every time I insisted that w was a vowel. My mom had no idea she had gotten me in so much trouble, and I never told her.

That Awesome Pill

I think I've always thought that I had written this down, but I can't find it. So, I will take this opportunity. It's a cute lit...